
27-9-2024 Bright Night. Area della Ricerca di Pisa

Mostra fotografica su Artico e Antartide dal punto di vista di chi ha vissuto i due poli per lavoro. L’idea è quella di far vedere i due poli soffermandosi sulle differenze, le similitudini, gli ambienti, il lavoro degli scienziati, i colori. Personale coinvolto: Patrizia Andronico, Alessandro Mancini (Istituto di informatica e telematica del CNR – […]

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Hydro-Geophysical characterization of the arctic environment, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard)

A novel characterization of the subsurface properties of a vast area in Ny-Ålesund was performed thanks to 1-m and 10-m spaced ERT measurements. The former were useful to individuate the active layer and its local discontinuities, correlating to the time series of four piezometers. With the 10-m spaced ERT surveys, deeper frozen permafrost areas were […]

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Ny-Alesund – Interview by Korean KBS journalists

Ny-Alesund – Interview by Korean KBS journalists who created a documentary aimed at informing Korean citizens about global changes in the polar regions and in particular the scientific activities carried out by international researchers at Ny-Alesund. Ilaria Baneschi briefly described the monitoring activities at the Bayelva station. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pc7CDcjilI    –    Minutes 39:19-40:32)

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