The project ICEtoFLUX –
HydrologIcal changes in ArctiC Environments and water-driven biogeochemical FLUXes

Project code: PRA2021-0027
Coordination: National Research Council – Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources (CNR-IGG)
ICEtoFLUX focuses on hydrological processes occurring in arctic environment, as well as on their effects of physical, chemical and biological type. It is developed over the Bayelva River catchment (Ny- Ålesund, Svalbard), starting from its glaciers (Austre- e Vestre-broggerbreen) and moving down to proglacial tundra area and the Kongsfjorden, in which water quality and current are affected by the river input of meltwater containing suspended solids.
The multidisciplinary competences of the partnership (IGG and ISP per il CNR, Politecnico di Torino e Università di Bari) guarantee hydrological, hydrogeological, geophysics, geochemical, environmental chemistry, microbiology and numerical model activities, which are aimed at studying main components of the water cycle to quantify hydrological processes and their biotic and abiotic transports.
During the 2022 and 2023 melting seasons several onsite activities are provided: measurements of glacial drainages flowrate, continuative physical-chemical, hydrometric and piezometric monitoring of the Bayelva River and underground waters of the active layer, near-ground floor and deep geophysics surveys, vertical physical-chemical logs within the fjord, and sampling of rainfall, snowpack, glaciers meltwater, and fjord water. The collected water samples are analyzed for organic and inorganic chemical compounds (including emerging pollutants), isotopes signature and microbial mass. Water-transported solids are also quantified and analyzed. The modelling activity define relationships between meteoclimatic parameters and quality and quantity features of the studied water, in order to provide information on the evolution of the hydrological system.
Data from experimental and modelling activities will allow enhancing knowledge on the changes occurring into the hydrosphere in Polar Regions and the impacts on water resource quantity and quality, such as outcomes for Arctic populations and scientific community involved in studying climate effects and/or feedbacks to climate.
The ICEtoFLUX outcomes will be also relevant for and linked to several international platform, such as SIOS, NySMAC, Kongsfjorden System Flagship, ecc.


Project's First year-Meeting
On 24 th January 2023 the first-year meeting of ICEtoFLUX was held to the Area della Ricerca...

Conference on the National Arctic Research Program (9th February 2023)
The Department of Earth System Sciences and Environmental Technologies of the CNR is organizing a conference on

Project’s First-year meeting
On 24 th January 2023 the first-year meeting of ICEtoFLUX is held to the Area della Ricerca...

First field mission in the melt season
After the first on-field activity referred to the snowpack (April 2022) the experimental activities of the project ICEtoFLUX...