27-9-2024 Bright Night. Area della Ricerca di Pisa
Mostra fotografica su Artico e Antartide dal punto di vista di chi ha vissuto i due poli per lavoro. L’idea è quella di far vedere i due poli soffermandosi sulle differenze, le similitudini, gli ambienti, il lavoro degli scienziati, i colori. Personale coinvolto: Patrizia Andronico, Alessandro Mancini (Istituto di informatica e telematica del CNR – […]
Integrated geophysical and hydrogeological tools for groundwater and subsurface investigation of the Arctic environment (Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard)
Within the ICEtoFLUX project, we investigated the hydrological response during active layer development to understand how soil subsurface and surface water interact in the Arctic environment in Ny-Ålesund, (Svalbard). Four piezometers were installed along a hillslope transect near the Climate Change Tower. Geophysical surveys focused on Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) […]
Water Dynamics in the Active Layer of NyA Critical Zone
ICEtoFLUX project was presented at the session “Towards and Arctic Critical Zone Observatory” of Arctic Circle conference held in Reykjavik (Iceland) from 19 to 21 October 2023.
Hydro-Geophysical characterization of the arctic environment, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard)
A novel characterization of the subsurface properties of a vast area in Ny-Ålesund was performed thanks to 1-m and 10-m spaced ERT measurements. The former were useful to individuate the active layer and its local discontinuities, correlating to the time series of four piezometers. With the 10-m spaced ERT surveys, deeper frozen permafrost areas were […]
ICEtoFLUX at the ACZON workshop
The ACZON workshop “Towards an Arctic Critical Zone Observation Network” was held on 11 and 12January 2023 at the Pisa Research Area. This workshop was funded by the IASC – International Arctic Science Committee (https://iasc.info/), and co-financed by the Institute of Geosciences and Georesources of the National Research Council. The aim of the ACZON workshop […]
Diario della spedizione geofisica alle isole Svalbard dell’estate 2022
Scientific talk for students and personnel of Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) of the Politecnico di Torino. Authors: Vergnano A., Pace, F., Godio, A.,
Ambientiamoci: geofisica e cambiamenti climatici (Season 2, episode 1)
The content of the interview is an informal talk about climate change effects in the arctic environment. We briefly presented the objectives of the I2F project and the details of the arctic expedition for a broad audience of non-experts. Authors: Vergnano A., Pace, F.
La notte dei ricercatori 2022, Torino
We presented the main scientific applications of the geophysics research group, from cultural heritage monitoring to arctic environment characterization through the I2F expedition. Authors: Vergnano A., Pace F.,, Colombero, C.
Bright Night. Area della Ricerca of Pisa
Ilaria Baneschi – “Water from Ice” – Bright Tech Talk – Short live science and research story about the dynamics of melting Arctic glaciers and the resulting amount of water and suspended solids transported from the terrestrial domain to the sea. Water is also produced by the melting of frozen ground and circulates in deglaciated […]