Agosto 2022

Ny-Alesund – Interview by Korean KBS journalists

Ny-Alesund – Interview by Korean KBS journalists who created a documentary aimed at informing Korean citizens about global changes in the polar regions and in particular the scientific activities carried out by international researchers at Ny-Alesund. Ilaria Baneschi briefly described the monitoring activities at the Bayelva station. (    –    Minutes 39:19-40:32)

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Ny-Alesund – Meeting with Svalbard Course participants

Ny-Alesund – Meeting with Svalbard Course participants held at the Bayelva Bridge, where NVE and IGG have their monitoring stations ( Harald Steen, director of science in the Norwegian Polar Institute, introduced Ilaria Baneschi and the director of NVE, who outlined their activities and those in collaboration with IGG. Ilaria illustrated the continuous monitoring activities […]

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