Hydro-Geophysical characterization of the arctic environment, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard)

A novel characterization of the subsurface properties of a vast area in Ny-Ålesund was performed thanks to 1-m and 10-m spaced ERT measurements. The former were useful to individuate the active layer and its local discontinuities, correlating to the time series of four piezometers. With the 10-m spaced ERT surveys, deeper frozen permafrost areas were distinguished from unfrozen permafrost zones, allowing to map supra- and sub-permafrost aquifers.

Authors: Vergnano, A., Pace, F., Romano, G., Godio, A., Santilano, A., Capozzoli, L., Baneschi, I., Franceschi, L., Menichini, M., Doveri, M.