11 Gennaio 2023Ultimo aggiornamento : 29 Novembre 2023adminmarea
The ACZON workshop “Towards an Arctic Critical Zone Observation Network” was held on 11 and 12 January 2023 at the Pisa Research Area.
This workshop was funded by the IASC – International Arctic Science Committee (https://iasc.info/), and co- financed by the Institute of Geosciences and Georesources of the National Research Council.
The aim of the ACZON workshop was to provide harmonization of existing Arctic Critical Zone observatories, allowing them to communicate, share protocols, knowledge and results, and define common scientific questions and modelling activities. First results of the ICEtoFLUX project were presented and the ICEtoFLUX group attending the workshop actively participated to the discussion on objectives and approaches of hydrology processes study in the Arctic Critical Zone.